This program was designed to teach adolescents about relationships, human development, sexual behaviour, and sexual health and reproductive health.
Campbell House School
Sex Education and Relationships - Staged 4 and 5
This program was designed to teach adolescents about relationships, human development, sexual behaviour, and sexual health and reproductive health.
For more information, download:
White Ribbon - Stages 4 and 5
Campbell House is a White Ribbon School. This program was implemented after students had already been introduced to the White Ribbon message as activities to help them explore domestic violence.
For more information, download:
Positive Education - Stages 4 and 5
This is a new area of learning for the whole school. Students have been exposed to the basic concept of strengths at the school assembly.
CHS Staff has unpacked the 24 VIA strengths and determined the following seven strengths that will be focused on at the school.
Forgiveness - Perseverance – Leadership – Perspective -Social Intelligence - Gratitude – Self-regulation
For more information, download:
Crossroads - Stage 6
Crossroads is a mandatory 25-hour program designed to help senior students address issues of health,
Safety and wellbeing at a time when they face significant changes and challenges in their lives. It aims to prepare and support these students as they encounter situations related to identity, independence and their changing responsibilities.
For more information, download:
Verona School
Relationships - Stage 4
Studying this unit of work, students gain an understanding of the importance of caring and respectful relationships and identify the qualities that are essential in developing and sustaining a productive relationship. Students explore ways to establish and maintain caring and respectful relationships whilst developing skills to cope and support others in times of need. The importance of interpersonal skills is investigated with a focus on communication.
For more information, download: