Elements of Learning and Achievement

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Strong Start, Great Teachers

Strong Start, Great Teachers reform (Department of Education, 2015) is linked closely to the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (BOSTES, 2011) and the Quality Teaching Framework (Department of Education, 2008), and moves through 4 key phases.

Teacher induction packages centred around Strong Start, Great Teachers are focussed on five key components that are essential to a high-quality, comprehensive school-based induction.

The 5C Model is as follows.

Induction packages and processes need to:

  • be customised to suit the needs of beginning teachers in each localised school context
  • connect beginning teachers with more experienced teachers and other beginning teachers
  • develop knowledge, understanding and practices relating to the school context, curriculum, and classroom.

Please visit the Strong Start, Great Teachers website to find further information.


Department of Education, NSW Government (2015) Strong Start, Great Teachers, Accessed 3/12/15.