Australian Professional Standard for Principals
The Australian Professional Standard for Principals defines the role of a principal, and describes what principals are expected to know, understand and do to achieve in their role. The following model was developed by AITSIL (2011, page 5).
It explores 3 leadership requirements, and 5 areas of professional practice.
The leadership requirements are found throughout the professional practices and, together with the professional practices, describe the principal's role in providing high quality learning, teaching and schooling.
Leadership Profiles
Leadership Profiles AITSL (2014) were developed to support the Australian Professional Standard for Principals (AITSL, 2011) and can be used by principals and aspiring leaders as a tool to reflect on and improve their practice.
The following diagram (AITSL, 2014, page 14) shows the organisation of the profiles.
Linking the Elements to the Leadership Profiles
By implementing the Elements of Learning and Achievement in your school, principals and aspiring leaders can provide evidence of their professional progress as they move through the implementation progress.
The following self-reflection tool shows how the Elements of Learning and Achievement can be evidenced within the Leadership Profiles – Professional Practices lens. The information for the creation of this resource was found in the Australian Professional Standard for Principals and the Leadership Profiles (AITSL, 2014).
Find how the Elements link with the Leadership Profiles by downloading Leadership Profiles (DOCX 234KB).
Find a blank template for reflection around the Leadership Profiles by downloading Reflection Template (DOCX 33KB).
AITSL, Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (2011) Australian Professional Standard for Principals.
AITSL, Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (2014) Australian Professional Standard for Principals and the Leadership Profiles.