Teachers have a crucial role in preparing students to lead successful and productive lives (BOSTES, 2011).
The Elements of Learning and Achievement, support the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers, and provide a framework that enables teachers to effectively give students a toolkit of skills they need to achieve future success (BOSTES, 2011 page 4).

- Professional Knowledge: Professional Knowledge addresses the teacher's ability to use their professional knowledge and current research to support the needs of their students within educational contexts.
- Professional Practice: Professional Practice addresses teachers' ability to operate effectively and professionally in schools, and implement all stages of the teaching and learning cycle.
- Professional Engagement: Professional Engagement discusses teachers' ability to model effective learning through demonstrating respect, professionalism and engagement with their school communities.
The Elements of Learning and Achievement support these standards through providing teachers with a framework to improve student academic and social outcomes in a relevant and practical way, while collecting the evidence required to demonstrate knowledge in these areas.
The Australian Curriculum (ACARA) outcomes, as well as the Literacy and Numeracy Continuums were incorporated into the Elements of Learning and Achievement to ensure that student learning remains relevant to the appropriate documentation, and teachers' are supported in their professional knowledge.
Opportunities to engage with the wider educational community are also provided through professional development, Performance and Development Plans (PDP) and partnerships between Communities of Schools, universities and TAFE (technical and further education).
- Teacher Self-Reflection (DOCX 45KB): This tool is based on the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (BOSTES, 2011). The ‘Evidence' section includes examples that created with the Elements of Learning and Achievement.
- Evidence Mapping Grid (DOCX 246KB): An example overview grid is provided to demonstrate how evidence from the Elements can be used to meet the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (BOSTES, 2011).
BOSTES, Board of Studies Teaching and Educational Standards NSW (2011) Australian Professional Standards for Teachers.