'The department is implementing a range of reforms to improve the quality of teaching in schools, to improve outcomes for all students, and to give schools a greater authority to meet the needs of their communities.' (Deparmtent of Education, 2015)
This section of the Elements of Learning and Achievement addresses the key policies, reforms and focus areas for the school to support curriculum implementation and professional development.
Reforms and policy are the foundations of our educational system, however the Elements of Learning and Achievement provides us with a framework to make learning student-centred, linking all the key components for success and engagement in the learning cycle, by all members of the school community.
The Elements of Learning and Achievement support the School Excellence Framework, Wellbeing Framework, Great Teaching Inspired Learning, Every Student Every School, Aboriginal Education, Transition School to Community, Literacy and Numeracy Continuum's, and Local Schools Local Decisions.
DoE, Department of Education, NSW Government (2015) Strong Start, Great Teachers. Accessed 3/12/15.