Elements of Learning and Achievement

Telephone02 9827 6150


Edgeware School

A safe learning environment where responsibility and opportunity to unite.

Edgeware School is a School for Specific Purposes, for students in Years 7 to 10 who have been diagnosed with Conduct Disorder.

The school is an alternative Department of Education facility that has been created to meet the needs of a group of students who have been unsuccessful in mainstream schools.

The program at Edgeware supports and consults with both schools and the wider community.

It provides students with the opportunity to:

  • develop their maximum potential
  • have their individual differences accepted
  • be in a safe and supportive school environment; 
  • participate in an individual education program which encompasses their academic, behavioural and social goals.

Programs and key initiatives

Edgeware School has been developing a range of programs under the Elements of Learning and Achievement.

Shared programs posted include:

  • maths: 1
  • PDHPE (personal development, health and physical education): 1
  • TAS (technology and applied studies): 2
  • Cross key learning areas (KLAs): 2

Total: 6

For more information on Edgeware School, please visit the school's website.